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                 Pourchista Shahi is an artist with a passion and creativity in San Diego. Growing up in IRAN as a painter, then graduate from the University of Bozorgmehr as a graphic designer.
she worked in Asadi photo studio from 2007-2009, then Working with Arno wall company as an interior designer, and 3D sculpture art panel for the front hall, pool, cafes, restaurant, Medical clinic,...
She moved to the united state in 2013, and start a new chapter of her life. she got her second degree as a dental assistant, but she recognizes her passion in interior design is more than everything else, so she continues her degree as an interior design, and opens Chista Design studio in 2020.
1-5th Festival of the garden in the name of god -2004
2-4th 100 Names of God and Holy names-2005
3-3rd International Championship and 13th championship for children &Adolescence painting in the area of water economized consumption
4-Painting Festival held by word Health organization first place in the region of Tehran(Iran)-2005​


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